How Does a Whole House Water Filter Work?

How Does a Whole House Water Filter Work?

Whole House Water Filters filter out the water from its supply source to give you clean water. In areas that possess a rich mineral concentration, water may have several impurities that need to be cleaned and purified before being used for drinking, cooking, and washing.

What is a Whole House Water Filter?

Here’s everything you need to know about a whole-house water filter:

  • What is a Whole House Water Filter?

The type of whole-house water filter that will work best for you depends on the kind of impurities that you want to be filtered out. If you use well water, the whole house water filter system could be elaborate. The whole house water filter for treating well water will have a mechanical sediment filter, a water filter, and a UV system.

However, if you use water from the city water supply, your water filter will only have to remove sediment and chlorine. A whole-house water filtration system treats the water that enters your home and is used for different purposes.

  • Different Types of Whole House Water Filters

Just as water quality differs, whole-house water filters also come in different types. For every type of water quality, there is a specific filter. For instance, if you use city-supplied water, your water filter will primarily work to remove chlorine and purify it to become odorless and tasteless.

For well water, whole-house water filters use different mechanisms to remove impurities. From removing minerals to hydrogen sulfide, which makes water smell like rotten eggs, whole-house water filters for well water come in a wide range.

  • Is a Whole House Water Filter the Same As an Under-Sink Filter?

No. Whole-house water filters are different from under-sink filters. A home water filtration system removes impurities right at the Point of Entry of water into the house. As a result, purified water runs through your pipeline and reaches your washrooms, your kitchen, and every other Point of Use in the house.

Under-sink filters are primarily Point of Use filters, which means they purify water that is used for drinking, cooking, etc.

  • When Should You Use a Whole House Water Filter?

Hard water causes scaling. It may also be rusty or have a disgusting smell to it, depending on the concentration of minerals in it. If you are dealing with hard water in your area, you should get a whole-house water filter.

Hard water can cause damage to your skin and hair, plumbing fixtures, and even your electronic appliances. A whole-house water filter can remove these impurities and give you soft water.

  • How to Pick the Best Whole House Water Filter?

You can check out different products online. You can also visit a nearby store to see the products yourself and consult the experts to decide on which whole house water filter works for you the best.

For expert advice, you can reach out to Peninsula Water Conditioning Inc., the leading name in filtration systems and products for water treatment in Maryland.

Let Us Solve All Your Water Problems

We offer a host of water filtration systems and products. Our team of experts can guide you through your water problems and help you pick the right whole-house water filter for your home. For any queries, you can call us at (410) 341-6500. We would be happy to help!

Also Read:

What is a Whole House Water Filter & What are Its Benefits?

Complete Guide on Whole House Water Filtration System

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